Friday, November 4, 2011

Winds of Change

Finally, the change she’d been hoping for arrived.  After months of waiting, she felt the temperature drop and the moisture in the air.  She saw the rain falling in the distance and hoped that the winds would bring it here; that this hope she now saw in front of her would not pass her by.

This is a story told in 55 words for G-man.


  1. That's a fantastic shot to go with your 55. Love it.

  2. Mijayami...
    The weather inspires many a yarn doesn't it?
    Excellent 55 My Friend.
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  3. if she grabs it then perhaps it will stick around longer but she better not wait...

  4. Stormy skies. Where's the fire in the fireplace and warm blanket?

  5. Ah change after a dry spell. A great feeling.
