Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life 101

The last rays of summer sunshine beat down mercilessly -- it doesn’t feel like September.  I love spending the long lazy holidays hanging out with the children and part of me always dreads them going back to school.  This year is bittersweet: while they are learning life skills, I will be building a new life.

This is a story told in 55 words for G-man.


  1. I feel the same way, it sure doesn't feel like September.
    Excellent 55 My Friend
    You sure have caught on to this in a Flash!
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  2. I do miss the end of summer... still clinging to it though... Enjoy your long weekend ~

  3. I hope your new life building will be creative, energizing, peaceful and sweet while the kiddoes are at school.

  4. Your new life will surely work out in amazing ways.

  5. Been there and doing that again. I too dread the structure of "Back to School"...
